Sunday 24 November 2013

City Church CRAFTS SALE !!

The whole points of this craft sales is fundraising for Refugees.

I found myself a very cute earrings and bracelet
As far as I know, this are especially handmade by City Church Youth Group


Friday 22 November 2013


~A day well spend~
& did some baking & bible study with the girls

Monday 18 November 2013

Sunday 17 November 2013

Thursday 31 October 2013

Trick OR Treat

 Last minute Halloween Costumes. Halloween 2013

 Makeup by : Amy Remcinpar

 Makeup by : Ning Hau

                                                     My lovely sisters.. Khai & Ngaih :)

Sunday 27 October 2013

Cultural Clothes #2

Chin (Hakha) Cultural Clothes

Model : Ngun Khin Cuai (Khin Khin)
Photographer : Ning Hau

Cultural Clothes #1

Chin (Tedim) Cultural Clothes 

Model : Ning Hau
Photographer : Ning Hau

Ramen Noodles

Spicy Ramen Noodles with my girl =) ... our way. Yummmm

~Ramen Noodles
~Green Onion
~Bologna Sausage
~Red Pepper
~Boiled Eggs

Thursday 24 October 2013